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support us or get involved...

Work With Us

Sorry but we have filled all our available positions and aren't taking any more CV's at the moment as we are snowed under with job requests! If a position becomes available we will announce it on our social media, so be sure to follow us.


Since we are an arts centre we offer regular artistic and wellness classes and workshops, all to do with cats. If you wish to get involved, and you have a talent for such things, please get in touch.


We have ample wall space to display and sell local artists work, so if you wish to rent a space, and your work is cat themed, please get in touch.

We charge a 20% fee.

All mediums and styles are welcome - we look forward to hearing from you! 


Our 2 crowdfund campaigns have now ended as far as pledging for rewards goes, but you can still donate through the campaign pages.


We managed to raise £2400 towards building the cats a wonderful, secure, outdoor catio space with a roof where they can play in the fresh air, lounge in the sun and watch the world go by.

Much love and thanks to you if you contributed!


 Click the Crowdfunder logo below:

We also welcome donations of cat equipment, cat food, and funds to help cover the cats costs and to go towards the rescue charities that we support. Regular sponsorship of individual cats is most welcome too - please get in touch to have a chat.

Amazon wishlist logo.png

We have now set up an Amazon wish list for those of you who have asked about helping out and treating the cats, thanks so much :-)


We will be launching a volunteer registration form here very soon. Watch this space!


We are more than happy for publicity in any form. Please get in touch if you wish to feature us in a publication or online.


We are keen to work with local businesses for mutual benefit and very keen to promote local cat focused businesses and ventures too - indeed we are starting to set up a Norfolk Cat Hub such that all relevant services & businesses are listed both on this website, on our social media and instore.


Please get in touch to be featured.

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